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Connecting to a Wallet

The first step in interacting with Nautilus is to request the access to the user. This is done using the ergoConnector object, which is automatically injected into the page context by the Nautilus Wallet web extension.


Work-in-Progress: Non-reviewed text. You may find numerous writing errors throughout this guide.

Check if Nautilus is running

To check if the user has the Nautilus Wallet installed and running, check for the presence of the ergoConnector and then for ergoConnector.nautilus.

if (ergoConnector) { // check if the Connection API is injected //
  if (ergoConnector.nautilus) { // check if the Nautilus Wallet is available //
    console.log("Nautilus is ready to use");
  } else {
    console.log("Nautilus is not available");
} else {
  console.log("No wallet available");

Request access

After making sure that the Nautilus Wallet is installed and running, now it's time to request access to the user's wallet. This is done by calling the ergoConnector.nautilus.connect() method, as shown below.

const connected = await ergoConnector.nautilus.connect(); 

if (connected) {
} else {
  console.log("Not connected!");

The first time the connect() method is called, Nautilus will pop up and prompt the user to allow or deny access to your dApp. By default, it will return false if the user declines, otherwise, it will return true and globally inject the ergo object which you can use to interact with the Context API. For the subsequent calls, if the dApp is previously, the Nautilus pop-up prompt will be bypassed.

Avoid globally instantiating of the ergo object

Sometimes we need to avoid instantiating the ergo object globally, especially when handling multiple wallets. To achieve this, follow these steps:

  1. Call ergoConnector.nautilus.connect({ createErgoObject: false }). Calling the connect() method with the parameter { createErgoObject: false } will request a connection with the user's wallet without automatically instantiating the ergo object.
  2. Get the context object by calling the ergoConnector.nautilus.getContext() method.
const isConnected = await ergoConnector.nautilus.connect({ createErgoObject: false }); 
if (isConnected) {
  const ergo = await ergoConnector.nautilus.getContext(); 

Check for authorization and connection status

Nautilus provides methods to check both the authorization and connection status of your dApp with the wallet.

  • ergoConnector.nautilus.isConnected(): Checks if there is an active connection between your dApp and Nautilus.
  • ergoConnector.nautilus.isAuthorized(): Checks if your dApp has been previously authorized by the user.

Disconnect from the Wallet

You can disconnect from a wallet using the ergoConnector.nautilus.disconnect() method, which will revoke your dApp's authorization token. If you need to connect again in the future, the user will be prompted with a new connection request.